
"Most Prominent In The World". First, Largest, Tallest, Longest, Highest and Deepest in the World. Part 1

 The Biggest River Basi: The Amazon basin with an area of 2,702,800 square miles is the biggest river basin in the world.

The Biggest National Park: The yellow Stone National Park which is situated in USA is the largest National Park. It has an area of 3,350 sq. miles.

The Largest Meteor Crator: The largest Meteor Crator is in New Quebec (Canada). Its width is two miles.

The Biggest University: The California University situated in the USA is the biggest University of the World.

The Tallest Statue: The Statue of Liberty is the tallest statue of the world. Its height is 152 feet which is equal to 46m. It is the statue of a woman who is holding a torch in her right hand. This statue was designed by the French Architect Bartholdi. It was presented by the French to the Americans in 1884 to commemorate the French and American revolutions. IT has been a US national monument since 1924.

The Largest Battleship: USS Missouri is the largest battleship in the world. Its weight is 58,000 tons. It has nine 16 inch guns.

The largest Airport: King Khalid International Airport, Riyadh Saudia Arabia, is the largest airport in the world. It covers an area of 86 square miles (225 sq. Km). This airport has the tallest control tower of the world which is 81 meters (265 feet) high. The airport was commissioned in 1983.

The Largest Seaport: The port of New York And New Jersey is the largest seaport in the world. It covers an area of 92 sq. miles. It can accommodate 391 ships.

The Largest Passenger Ship: The Royal Majesty Ship Queen Elizabeth is the largest passenger ship in the world. It is 314 meters ( 1,031 feet ) long and 36 meters (118 feet) wide. The ship was launched in 1940.

The Most Spoken Language: Mandarin ( Chinese ) is the most spoken language in the world. It is estimated that a total number of 999 million people including 853 million natives speak it. The other main languages are Hindi ( 457 million), Spanish ( 401 million), English ( 487 million), Arabic (230 million), Portuguese (186 million), Russian ( 180 million), Japanese ( 126 million ), German ( 124 million), and French  (125 million). Urdu is spoken by 104 million people.

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